پزشکان و دندانپزشکان ← متخصص زنان و زایمان ← فوق تخصص لاپاراسکوپی و آی وی اف
استان تهران، شهر تهران، خیابان ولی عصر، خیابان زعفرانیه، خیابان مقدس اردبیلی، میدان الف، اول خیابان محمودیه، ساختمان ال، جنب بانک صادرات، پلاک 29، طبقه سوم
26205211 (021)
Publications :
1- An assessment of sonohysterography as a diagnostic tool for uterine cavity deffects and tubal patency.
S. Salehpour - R. Taheripanah - L. Soltani "Medical Journal of reproduction and infertility" . No 3 winter 2000
2- Surveying the effect of lapcrospic electrocautery of ovaries on fertility status of patients with drug resistant PCOS
S. Salehpour- A.Aghaie. "Pejouhandeh " Vol 5 No 4 winter 2000-01
3- The significance of serum progesterone levels on the day of HCG administration on IVF fertilization rate
S. Salehpour - R. Taheripanah
" Journal of shahid sadoughi university of medical seiences and health service" vol 8, No 3 , Autumn 2000
4- Laparoscopic aspriation of ovarian cysts .
S.Salehpour- H.Zhaam-R.Taheripanah "Medical journal of the Iranian Hospital " Vol 4 , No2, Jan 2002
5- The effect of metformin therapy on menstrual function in PCOS
S. Salehpour- N.Saadat- M. Ashrafi - H. Emami " Medical journal of the iranian Hospital " Vol 5 , No 1 , july 2002
6- Reliability of transvaginal ultrasound indices of PCOS in Iranian population.
S. Salehpour - M. Kalantari - Sh.Shayanfar - N. Valaie " Pejouhandeh " Vol 8 No 1 (31) Spring 2003
7- Evaluation of effect of Bupivapain on pain after CS. S. Salehpour. A. Alavi Pejouhardeh- n 5˚- Autom 2005.
8- Evolution of visual finding in Laparoscopy of endometrial. S. Salehpour – M. Hakimi far – H. Zroom. Pejouhardeh- n 5˚- Autom 2007.
9- Evolution of diagnostic visual Finding and pathologic finding in endometria's. S. Salehpour – L. Khalili -0 Y . Azar Gashak. "Iranian Journal of fertility & Sterility". Vol i- N 3˚ wnter 2007.
10- Evolutionof Spot of endometria's S. Salehpour" Journal of Reproductive Medicine – yazd. (2008)
11- "Effect of Bupivacain an CS Pain Randomized" S. Salehpour Iranian Journal of Reproductive Medicine – N' Winter 2008.
12- Early marriage: Is it right? 2008.
13- Leptin, Ghrelin, Adiponectin, Homocystein and Insulin Resistance Related to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.
Salehpour, S, Broujeni, P.T., Samani, E.N, 2008.
14- N Acetyl Cysteine: A Novel Remedy for Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome 2
Saghar Salehpour, 2009
15- Evaluation of the Prevalence of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome among Adolescent (15-18 Years Old) Girls in Tehran during 2005-2006
16ـ مقایسه اثر رژیم پرپروتئین و کربوهیدرات های با بار گلیسمی کاهش یافته و رژیم کاهش وزن متداول بر فراسنج های چربی و لیپوپروتئین در مبتلایان به سندرم تخمدان پلی کیستیک
17- N-acetylcysteine as an adjuvant to clomiphene citrate for successful induction of ovulation in infertile patients with polycystic ovary syndrome
Saghar Salehpour, Azadeh Akbari Sene, Nasrin Saharkhiz, Mohammad Reza Sohrabiand Fatemeh Moghimian, September 2012
18- Evaluation of the prevalence of polycystic ovarian syndrome among adolescent (15-18 years old) girls in Tehran during 2005-2006
Salehpour, S , Shirvani, H.E., Entezari, A., October 2010
19- The correlation between serum and peritoneal fluid CA125 level in women with pelvic endometriosis
Salehpour, S , Sene, A.A.a, Mehrjerdi, E.K., Akhoond, M.R. May 2009.
20- Beneficial effects of a high-protein, low-glycemic-load hypocaloric diet in overweight and obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a randomized controlled intervention study.
Mehrabani HH, Salehpour S, Amiri Z, Farahani SJ, Meyer BJ, Tahbaz F., 2012
21- Knowledge and attitude of women regarding the human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, its relationship to cervical cancer and prevention methods.
Farzaneh F, Shirvani HE, Barouti E, Salehpour S, Khodakarami N, Alizadeh K.2011
22- Human papillomavirus infection in women with and without cervical cancer in Tehran, Iran.
Khodakarami N, Clifford GM, Yavari P, Farzaneh F, Salehpour S, Broutet N, Bathija H, Heideman DA, van Kemenade FJ, Meijer CJ, Hosseini SJ, Franceschi S.2012
23- بررسی شیوع عفونت پاپیلوما ویروس انسانی زنان ساکن در حوزه مناطق تحت پوشش مراکز بهداشتی درمانی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شهید بهشتی تهران 88 ـ1387.
ناهید خداکرمی، سیدجلیل حسینی، پروین یاوری، فرح فرزانه، کوروش اعتماد، ساغر صالح پور، مریم سوهانکی، ناتالی بروت، هلی باتیجا؛ پیتر ج ف اشنایدر، گری کلیفورد، سیلویا فرانچسکی، 1390
Lectures , presentations :
1- Management of OHSS , Panel
Iranian fertility society , summer 2000
2- CME , Shahid Beheshti university of medical sciences , Autumm 1997
3- Contraception workshop , tehran university , Autumn 1997
4- New concepts in contraception , CME , Shahid Beheshti university , summer , 1999
5- New concepts in gynecology , CME, Iran medical conncil, summer 1998
6- CME , Shahid Beheshti university , Autumm 1998
7- 4˚ congress on gynecology , obstetrics , Tehran university , sep 1995
8- 5˚ congress on gynecology obstetrics , Tehran university , sep 1996
9- 3˚ congress on gynecology obstetrics , Iran university , Autumn 1997
10- 1˚ Symposium on recurrent abortion , Avesina center , spring 1998
11- 1˚ Symposium on ART , Royan inistute , Autumn 1996
12- 3˚ Symposium on ART , Royan inistute , Autumn 1998
13- 1˚ Symposium on Embryo donation , Avesina , Autumn 1998
14- 3˚ Symposium on infection and infertility , Avesina center , Autumn 1999
15- 5˚ Symposium on ART, Royan institute , winter 2000
16- 4˚ Symposium on ART , Royan insitutue , winter 1999
17- CME , Shahid Beheshti university , spring 2001
18- CME , Shahid Beheshti university , Autumn 2001
19- CME, Shahid Beheshti university , Summer 2001
20-" A comparative study of laparascopy , hysterospy and HSSG in Infertility " Poster presentation , MEFS , Nov 1998, Amman, jordan
21-" The effect of laparosopic ovarian cauterization in PCOS " poster presentation, ESHRE , June 2000, Bolognia , Italy
22-" An Assesment of HSSG as a diagnostic tool for uterine cavity deffects and tutal pateny " , poster, ESHRE , June 1999, Tours , France
23- Symposium of endometriosis , Iranian fertility society , winter 2001
24-" Induction ovulation with surgical procedure " , oral presentation, 8˚ congress on fertility and infertility , Tehran , Iran , spring 2000
25-" Evaluation of effects of laparascopic electrocauterization" , 9˚ congress on fertility and infertility , Yazd, Iran , oral presentation
26-"An Assesment of HSSG in diagnosis of uterine cavity " poster, presentation , MEFS ; Nov 1998 , Aman , Jordan
27- " A pilot study in poor responders in COH " poster presentation , MEFS , Nov 1997 , Dubai , UAE
28- " The significance of serum progesterone level …. " poster presentation , MEFS , Nov 1997, Dubai , UAE
29- " Is there relation ship between serum FSH level and IVF succes rate ? " , MEFS , Nov 1997 , Dubai , UAE
30-" Evaluation of the effect of day 2 , 3 FSH on IVF snccess " oral , 7˚ congress on fertility , infertility , winter 1996 , Yazd, Iran
31-" The effect of metformin on menstrual pattern of PCOS " oral , 9˚ congress of fertility , infertility , winter 1996 , Yazd , Iran.
32- 6˚ symposium on ART , Royan institue , winter 2001
33- 1˚ congress of non contagious disease , Autumn 2002 , Tehran , Iran
34- Infertility seminar , Sep 2002- Esfahan , Iran.
35- " Evaluation of the effect of metformin ….", 3˚ Royan Award, Sep 2002 - Tehran -Iran
36-" Evaluation of the effect of laparscopy …." , poster, 11˚ world congress on Human Reprodution , june 2002 , montreal , Canada
37- " Evaluation of the effect of metfromin …" , poster 11˚ world congress on Human jun 200 Reprodution , Jun 2002 , monreal , Canada.
38- 6˚ symposium of ART , Royan institute , winter 2001
39- 4˚ Royan Award , Sep 2003 , Tehran , Iran
40- 1˚ workshop of endoscopic surgery in gynecology , May 2002 , Shiraz, Iran
41- 2˚ workshop of endoscopic surgery in gynecology , summer 2002 , Oroumieh, Iran
42- 1˚ congress on fertility , infertility , winter 2003 , Tehran , Iran
43- Symposium of gynecology , obsterics , Autumn 2003 , Esfahan , Iran
44- " Relation between pattern and thickness of end and ART succes" oral EAAAFCA, Feb 2003 , Cairo, Egypt
45: oral presentation in FIGO in Malaysia congress (2006).
46: oral presentation IndioFrench Infertility Indian congress (2006).
47: Poster presentation in ESHRE congress (2004 & 2005)
48: Oral presentation in international Obstetric and gynecoligy congress Tehran – University. (2007-2008)
49: Oral presentation in annual Infertility congress Tehran and Yazd. (2004-2005- 2006 – 2007 – 2008)
50: Oral and poster presentation in COGI spania congress (2007).
51: Oral presentation in Tehran University training (2006 and 2007).
52: Oral presentation Biomarkers in endometriosis, 2nd national congress on
53: پوستر، ارتباط سطح ca125 در سرم و مایع پریتوئن در زنان مبتلا به اندومتریوز لگنی. دومین کنگره کشوری اندومتریوز.
54- Oral presentation up date on pcos, spiring 2013
55- Oral presentation PCOS, spirinf 2013, جامعه جراحان
University Apporved researches :
Publications and awards consultant :
1- Medical journal of reproduction and infertility , Avsesina center
2- Pejouhandeh , quarterly research journal , shaheed Beheshti university of medical sciences
3- 1˚ Royan Award international infertility research award
4- 2˚ Royan Award international infertility research award
5- 4˚ Royan Award international infertility research award
6- 3˚ - 6˚ - 7˚- 8˚ international award-Royan (2002 to 2008)
7- Editorial board-Iranian Journal for fertility sterility (since 2006)
8- Editorial board-valie-ASR Journal of Reproductive Medicine.
Theses :
1-" Evaluation of the effect of ovarian electrocauterization " .
Resident thesis , A aghai , 2000
2-" Evaluation of the effect of metformin ….."
Resident thesis , M.Ashrafi 2002
3- " Comparison of endometrial biopsy with D & C.... "
Resident thesis, K.Kavian
4- " Evaluation of cytology and hystology in ovarian cysts"
Resident thesis, L. madani 1999
5-" Comparsion of HSG and hsteroscopy laparocopy "
Resident thesis , M.Ashrafi 1999
6-" Evaluation of HSSG as a diegnostic tool … "
Resident thesis , L. Soltani
7- " Evaluation of infetility in Mahdieh Hospital "
Resident thsis . S.Sharafi 1998
8- " Evaluation of ultrasound indices in PCOS "
Resident thesis , Sh. Shayanfar 2002
9- " Relation between endometrial thickness and ART success "
Resident thesis , P . Nowrooz , 2001
10- Relation Between and GDM. Resident thesis – B Pourreza, 2006.
11- Evolution of ca 125 to serum and of endo metrials Resident thesis A- AkBari 2007.
Responsabilities , honour , success :
1- Elective Researchers , Shaheed Beheshti university of medical sciencs, Nov 2001
2-Member of ESHRE since 1999 ( European society of human Reproduction and embryology)
3-Member of MEFS scince 1997 ( Middle east fertility society )
4-Member of Iraninan society of Reproductive medicine ( ISRM)
5-Chairman of Endoscopy workshop of ISRM in shiraz and Oroumieh 2002 ( Spring and summer )
6-Member of scientific committee of ISRM ( 2000-2002 )
7-Member of organizing commitee of ISRM (2002-2004 )
8-Member of organizer of kowsar infertility center ( 1995)
9-Member of organizer of Mahdieh infertility center ( 1997)
10-Member of organizer of Alvand infertility center ( 1998)
11- nonwred Researcher – Shahid Beheshti Medical University (2001).
Attendence of international congress , workshop:
1- 11˚ world congress on Human Reproduction , july 2002 , Montreal , Canada
2- BFS (British fertility society ) Dec 1993 , Oxford , UK
3- Symposium of new gonadotropies , May 1994 ,Glasgow, UK
4- Gynecology laser endoscopy workshop , March 1994 , B’ham, UK
5-BFS ( 2˚ international meeting ) , May 1994 , glasgow , UK
6-Hypertension in pregnancy , Jan 1994 , London , UK
7-ESHRE course on Semen analysis , Ap 1994, Sheffild ,UK
8-4˚ MEFS congress, Nov 1997 , Dubai , UAE
9-Intensive program of Edoscopic surgery in gynecology, July 1999 , Clermont Fd , France
10-15˚ Annual meeting of ESHRE , July 1999, Tours , France
11-8˚ Annual meeting of MEFS , Nov 2001 , Bahrain
12-1˚, 2˚ , 3˚ ,4˚ Royan international Research Award
13-16˚ Annual meeting of ESHRE July 2000 - Bolognia , Italy
14- 11˚ world congress on Human reproduction , jun 2002 Montreal , Canada
15- ESHRE congresses.
16- MEFS congresses.
ریزش مو
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فلوشیپ جراحی کولورکتال (گوارش)
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پزشکان و دندانپزشکان
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تجهیزات پزشکی